How Your Phone Can Help You Find the Perfect Parking Spot

One of the most painful things about living in a city is trying to find a carpark at any time of day before work during the day or during the evening. Luckily, as smartphones and social media have become ubiquitous in the last decade, and data collection has begun seeping into our lives, finding a park is slowly becoming less of a hassle.


The ‘perfect’ spot

Finding a park is more than just a place to put your car. You need it to be close to wherever you’re going, it needs to be safe and it would also be great to be close to stores or food outlets if you’re in the city or the suburbs to hang out.

If you’ve never been to an area before, you can check on social media at some tags or location pins to find what’s in the area and use a parking app to get you closest to those
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