1. All in One SEO Pack – One of the best and the most popular plugin in wordpress is All in One SEO Pack, the plugin does it all for you. If you are tired with writing HTML meta descriptions, keywords etc, The plugin makes it smooth to add meta tags, meta description
2. Automatic SEO Links – Automatic SEO linking tools allows you to set the word phrase for automatic linking and can be set to “nofollow” to avoid duplicate links. Forget to put manual links just choose a word and give it a link. This plugin is user friendly and increases the navigation. The plugin also removes the back links, and thus increase your overall SEO score.
3. Google XML Sitemaps - The XML sitemap generator builds the sitemap for website, so that website links can easily be submitted to search engines. You don’t have to summit single URLs or wait for Google to index your pages. The XML site map does it all. It is the best tool for search engine Optimization
4. HeadSpace2 – HeadSpace2 is the meta data manager, it does many SEO tasks. With it you can tag posts and can create custom title and description to increase your search engine ranking. It perform’s various operations like Meta-data nesting, Dynamic data extraction and a feature of mass editing. Besides it can be page specific and theme specific. It should be used to increase your SEO SCORE.
5. Simple Tags – The plugin is extremely easy to use. It helps blogger’s to add tags from automated generated tags, auto-completion of tags as you type, mass tag editing. IT has an Ajax Admin Interface, which is handy to use. The tool is for dummies to increase their SEO score.
6. Meta Robots WordPress plugin – The plugin add robot meta data to pages so that search engines get to know which page to follow and which to nofollow. Prevent authors, data based archives and search results to get indexed and give irrelevant search results. To configure it, the tool needs pro skills. If you are not sure about what are robots and what does they do, do get information before using it.
7. Redirection – For may reasons you may need Redirection tool. This tool allows you to redirect URLs from one page to another. If you change the post heading the permalink gets changed, now search engines need time to re-index your new URL, So Just redirect the older one’s to new ones. This simply optimize your SEO score.
8. SEO Post Link – The SEO Post Link plugin checks the URL of your posts and if it is too long search engines won’t give a liking towards it. It make the links to more search engine friendly, that is limiting it to a no of words, cut unnecessary words and much more.
9. SEO No Duplicate WordPress Plugin – The plugin allows you to search the duplicate content on your blog for whatsoever the reason may be. It sets to “nofollow” the content and helps from search engine penalties.
10. SEO Tag Cloud Widget – Tags, all know what’s their power is, if you give tags for your content it will be read by the search engines and it drives traffic to the website. Tags are the keywords for your content. No tags less relevancy but good and enough tags get a flow of traffic.